Friday, August 31, 2007

Time for my Coffee Break

In Oddee some funny pictures:

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Big Chinese Brother

Following Shenzen, now everywhere these "guardians" will monitor Internet users in China, with a pop up every 20 or 30 minutes...

I your neighbours are surfing at the wrong places, you could even click on the cartoon and you will be redirected to the official security home page.

So convenient...

United Nations

See today on Taipei Times, a pic by AFP.
Nice design, nice slogan "Peace for ever"...
Hope so...
Is it the same pic people could see abroad about Taiwan and UN?
I saw one about this campaign: a fish...
Take care, the big cat is very close...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Come on! You are better than that...

According today news (Taipei Times page 2):

"...More than 30,000 commuters traveling by train showed up late for work yesterday as the electronic signaling system near the Chidu (七堵) Train Deployment Station in Keelung failed during the morning rush hour.

The failure became apparent at 5:20am, and the Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) management was informed at 6:07am. The contractor for the system did not arrive at the scene until 9:05am..."

And: "...Hsieh said, however, that as the construction had yet to enter the contractual phase of maintenance and quality guarantee, the bureau was therefore unlikely to ask for compensation..."

So funny, Taiwanese are already thinking about compensations...

Taiwan provides very good and perfect products, no way to compare with some other countries in Asia.

But obviously, many Taiwanese do not know what is the meaning of "customer service", "maintenance", and... using common sense for management purposes.

We produce the best. If something is broken we just buy the necessary components. Anyway, who care about maintenance?... Maybe passengers from a certain flight to Japan do...

See the Maokong stuff, same in fact than the problem about the train above mentioned and do not mention about the subway in Taipei... For some poor reasons (politics...) some people want to go faster than the music, not taking into account that some steps must be finished before it is totally opened to the public.

Why it is always (as usual...) after we discover that it is not full operational, the maintenance inventory is not ready...

Maybe people should pay more attention on the contract between the manufacturer (subcontractor) and the Taiwanese company.

Maybe people should see the big picture: not only pay attention on the "machinery" only but also on its environment (access, security, service, facilities for the consumers etc...).

Of course, it is easier to find a scapegoat...

What is the status of Taiwan?

I read something interesting in today Taipei Times (page 8), a letter from John Hsieh about the legal situation of Taiwan.

"When the Republic of China (ROC) was founded in 1912, Taiwan was an overseas colony of Japan.

Article 4 of the ROC Constitution outlines specific procedures for the incorporation of new territory, but have these procedures been completed to incorporate the areas of "Formosa and the Pescadores?"

If some people want to claim that Oct. 25, 1945, was "Taiwan Retrocession Day," how is it that none of the Allies recognized any transfer of the territorial sovereignty of "Formosa and the Pescadores" to the ROC on this date?

Actually, the ROC held the Oct. 25, 1945, surrender ceremonies on behalf of the Allies. The ROC's ensuing military occupation of Taiwan has been conducted as a principal-agent relationship on behalf of the conqueror: the US. After the surrender ceremonies, Taiwan's international legal position was "an independent customs territory under USMG [US Military Government] on Japanese soil," with Chiang Kai-shek's (蔣介石) personnel in charge of the administration.

The ROC's position in Taiwan, beginning on Oct. 25, 1945, has been and still is simply as a "subordinate occupying power."

The People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded on Oct. 1, 1949, and loyal officials of the ROC fled to occupied Taiwan. However, when the central government of the ROC officially moved to occupied Taiwan in December 1949, it became a government in exile, continuing to exist in name only. Under international law, there are no conditions, actions, or procedures under which a government-in-exile can become recognized as the legal government of its current locality of residence.

In other words, a government-in-exile cannot obtain "on-site legality."

So, how can Taiwan successfully undertake name rectification, write a new constitution and even enter the UN?

If we base our analysis on the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1952 to say that Taiwan is an overseas territory under the USMG, with another military force exercising delegated administrative authority for the jurisdiction, the US executive branch (including the State Department, Department of of Defense and White House) cannot disagree with it. After all, under Article 6 of the US Constitution, a Senate ratified treaty is part of the supreme law of the land.

Thus, according to this logic, the Taiwanese people need to be talking to US government officials about this entire "status" problem, and not to the officials of the UN, or to the officials of the PRC.

At this crucial juncture, regardless of whether one is a member of the pan-blue camp or the pan-green camp, in our quest for UN membership, we must first recognize that Taiwan is an overseas territory under the jurisdiction of the USMG. We must then end the delegated administrative authority of the ROC over Taiwan, and proceed with the drafting of a new Constitution, name rectification as "Taiwan," the establishment of a local Taiwanese civil government structure, election of a Taiwanese president (not an ROC president), etc."

Of course his point is not new and most of the people who know some about Taiwan history are aware of that.

Whatever, Taiwan has no chance to join any international structure (except NGO) if same means are used.

Beside, some agenda (North Korea, Africa, Pacific to name some) will never allow US to help Taiwan to join the international community.

What if Taiwan stops to waste millions into lobbying (totally useless), but what if Taiwan just use a legal way?

There are International Courts, legal ways...

Obviously, no one (beside commentators) tried to clarify the real legal status of Taiwan, by using the Court.

It could be interesting to see the result because obviously on a theoretical point of view, there is a problem about Taiwan.

Maybe it will also clear the stupid war between the Green and the Blue here.

But maybe US does not want that a simple fact come back in front pages of the newspapers: "Taiwan is under the US Military government".

What's a joke... Huhhh, joke? Really?

Let's wake up... Don't dream...

Olympic Games and... the rest

For the first time in the history of the Summer Olympic Games, the medals will be made of another material besides the traditional gold, silver and bronze. They will be jade...These medals will surely be the best contribution from the Beijing 2008 organization to the Olympic Games' history.

The rest...

China made its people dreaming about the Games. Chinese in some ways, believed it as the rest of the world with their brain washed or their selected vision.

Anyway, the waking next morning will be very tough.

How much people had to pay? Let's not forget how many people had to be relocated, loosing everything (but everything was not lost for all...).

My friends in Europe said that at least, it will be an "ecological" event.

Ecological? Oh yes?

Beijing for 2007 targeted 245 days a year of blue skies, and about 151 are still lacking (with 125 available days before the end of the year if my math are OK). The climate, the smog, the bad air are constants in the life of Beijing. The construction sites do not help either, since they raise dust and it's not only CO2 that fills the air and the lungs of Beijing people and visitors. When will the real bill have to be paid?

What's about reporter's freedom? China promised to grant it. See how many foreign reporters were already in trouble during the last few months...

But who care?

People? Give them bread and games and they will be happy. Anyway, they have short memory.

Powerful countries? They prefer to deal with democratic countries. It is easier. "Improve your intellectual property rights situation otherwise you will be in trouble", "Do nothing which could be understood as an unilateral change of the status quo"...

..."What? You are saying that this one is manipulating its currency, is exporting dangerous goods, is creating a mess and a war in Africa, is using kids and slaves in its factories? Come on! That is different, we will deal with that. See how much we were so tough on them about tooth paste!"... No comment...

In CNA today, we could read: "So when we talk about the situation in regard to Taiwan, we talk about Taiwan in the context of a great friendship. But when it comes to this issue of a referendum as to whether or not Taiwan join the United Nations in the name of Taiwan, we do have great concerns", quote from Mr. John Negroponte, U.S. deputy secretary of state.

More from him: "We believe it's important to avoid any kind of provocative steps on the part of Taiwan"

... Sure! Taiwan is really a bad boy. How come it dares to challenge the agenda of the "big powers"?

In one hand US "supports" democracy and in another, says and does what we know.

Evidence that some "agendas" are more important for US: the interview of M. Negroponte was made by a Chinese media...

Beside the dangerous products export by China, there is an ever bigger and more alarming point: according Christophe Zimmerman (World Customs Organization), among the two millions of counterfeited food products found in the world during the year 2006, between 16 to 20% came from China...

The European Commission notified 263 dangerous food products and "L' Expansion" (French News Magazine) already pointed "209 problems) for the first 7 months of 2007.

Do we need to add something more?

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Good Time in the Northern Coast of Taiwan

Last Sunday, Queen D and me went to the northern part of the Taiwanese coast, after Wanli city.
Wind made the temperature more acceptable.
I've never been there. I was stunned by the beauty of the place, the shape and color of the stones and it was regrettable I did not bring swimming suit to enjoy the ocean.
Here are some pictures.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Doing Business in China: You said it is safe?

Fooling around Taiwanese news, I found here something about problems some Taiwanese businessmen could encounter in China. According the paper, and as for end of July 2007, 1,199 (why not 1,200?) have been locked behind bars in the past decade.

Of course, it does not include people who were subject of "other treatments".

China is not the "Eldorado" so many could think of. Of course it is a big market with a lot of opportunities to make profit and blah blah blah.

Having acting a while ago there, I can say yes, it is true but... If the game is the same compare to other countries, rules are totally different.

Anyway, for several reasons, all these figures will never match the reality of the situation.

What is published represents only the tip of the iceberg.

It is not because there is a common language that this place should be the main or only one target for most of the Taiwanese investments.

Will what we saw in East of Europe happen in China?

Hard to say. But if yes, it won't happen soon and the same mistakes will be made again and again there...

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Justice? You said Justice?

Sometimes, reacting on the day to day news does not allow you to stand back, with "cold brain".

Few days ago, big news about the presidential candidate Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九): he was acquitted on corruption charges.

Green said "it's a scandal". Blue said it is "justice".


Just some facts and comments:

  1. He was indicted on February 13 2007 (after a quick investigation)
  2. Court decision on August 14 2007

Almost 6 months day to day...

So quick...

I will not make any comment about the above case by itself.

My point is not to provide more elements concerning this particular news. I just want to put in parallel the case of one of my friends, a foreigner living in Taiwan who sued his "ex-partner" (Taiwanese) for Forgery, Stealing and Defamation through different legal cases. After investigation (more than one year...), Prosecutors finally indicted his "ex-partner".

After 3 years, even though his opponent had confessed everything, no decision yet and the Court never stopped to push my friend to make a deal. Obviously, if a deal is done, the Taiwanese won't be condemned.

In one hand we have one case where everything is quick including the Court decision.

In another hand, a case involving a foreigner with long investigations, many hearings at the Court, a defendant who already confessed everything, but with everything done to push the foreigner to negotiate and withdraw his cases.

If it was the foreigner who was indicted, since a while he'd be expelled from Taiwan.

"Something is rotten is the kingdom of..."

So Justice? You said Justice?

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Blogging again after 1.5 years of silence

During a while, an eternity for me, I had to struggle about some personal matters. I planned to blog about it but finally, I decided to put it aside, look forward and forget that there is no Justice here... especially if you are not local.

It took almost 3 years day to day to be able to finally see the "little light" at the end of the tunnel. It is not totally finished. I wish everything will be fine soon and that a new life is waiting for me.

Anyway, it brought me a lot of "experience" and "lessons" and certainly, I will time to time share it according the subject of my future posts. One more point:

Nothing would be possible without D.

I changed the original design of my blog, which was too heavy; but at least it made me learn the basics of HTML.

I reset to 0 my Sitemeter... A fresh beginning...

But of course, I am still a novice as a blogger, not really sure of what I want to do with this blog. I will try to express my mood that for sure. I will also try to post about what made me react and I believe, living in Taiwan, a lot of post will be about this beautiful country.

I will certainly post about what I found interesting, including from bloggers in Taiwan such as this very good one: The view from Taiwan edited by Michael Turton.

Most of foreigners (beside of course businessmen) who live in Taiwan are language teachers. Some are just here for 1 or 2 years. Some really live here and are totally integrated and show feelings and/or love about this beautiful country. Each time people ask me if I am teaching English... Like everywhere in the world, people have stereotypes: if you are foreigner here, you must of course teach English! Even though I am French... Since a long time, I don't even mention I am teaching different subjects (economics, finance, quantitative) because firstly most of the people don't really care (somewhere, they are right) and secondly they don't even listen your answer. Finally, it does not matter, right? Teaching is teaching, whatever the subject. What counts, is the quality of the teachers or professors.

But do not misunderstand my point which has nothing to do with the English teachers. I tried to emphasize the fact that people have automatic questions which do not request in fact an answer. Like for example, people ask you "how are you doing?" but in fact, as you know, it really means "Good morning". So of course, do not try to explain that you just caught cold or whatever (except of course if it is a friend who is asking). I am not naive. I know it since I am kid, as I suppose a big percentage of the human beings.

But fact is fact: in this world, people do not care so much about others.

Fortunately, some are doing exceptional job.

And of course, I will also write about them.

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