Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Come on! You are better than that...

According today news (Taipei Times page 2):

"...More than 30,000 commuters traveling by train showed up late for work yesterday as the electronic signaling system near the Chidu (七堵) Train Deployment Station in Keelung failed during the morning rush hour.

The failure became apparent at 5:20am, and the Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) management was informed at 6:07am. The contractor for the system did not arrive at the scene until 9:05am..."

And: "...Hsieh said, however, that as the construction had yet to enter the contractual phase of maintenance and quality guarantee, the bureau was therefore unlikely to ask for compensation..."

So funny, Taiwanese are already thinking about compensations...

Taiwan provides very good and perfect products, no way to compare with some other countries in Asia.

But obviously, many Taiwanese do not know what is the meaning of "customer service", "maintenance", and... using common sense for management purposes.

We produce the best. If something is broken we just buy the necessary components. Anyway, who care about maintenance?... Maybe passengers from a certain flight to Japan do...

See the Maokong stuff, same in fact than the problem about the train above mentioned and do not mention about the subway in Taipei... For some poor reasons (politics...) some people want to go faster than the music, not taking into account that some steps must be finished before it is totally opened to the public.

Why it is always (as usual...) after we discover that it is not full operational, the maintenance inventory is not ready...

Maybe people should pay more attention on the contract between the manufacturer (subcontractor) and the Taiwanese company.

Maybe people should see the big picture: not only pay attention on the "machinery" only but also on its environment (access, security, service, facilities for the consumers etc...).

Of course, it is easier to find a scapegoat...

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